Italian Queens

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Italian Queens

Post by TJ »

Hi Kurt, I ordered two Italian queens at the last meeting, but only want one. Can you change my order (not sure who's looking after this). Thanks, Tracey
Kurt Bower
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Post by Kurt Bower »

I am sure this wont be a problem.


Post by Locust&Honey »

When would they be in??? I may take the other one if it will be soon. i have one hive that may need to be split soon... :shock:
Kurt Bower
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Post by Kurt Bower »

Queens is queens.
It all depends upon the weather.
Best guess is around the middle of April.

Post by Locust&Honey »

Can't quite commit to that...yet. When would be the latest I could let you know??? Of course if someone speaks for it let them have it. I was hoping to have most of my needs for a queen done by then but I am still new. :D
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Queen rearing

Post by bdloving »

speaking of queens, is anybody considering raising their own queens?
Kurt Bower
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Post by Kurt Bower »

I will be keeping the extra queen. If it is still available after it comes in, I will post it for sale.
As for raising queens, yes I will be raising some. I will be raising them via swarm cells. Nothing fancy but it seems to work well with minimal effort.


Post by Locust&Honey »

Could you give a little explanation of the steps you take to do this? :?
Kurt Bower
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Post by Kurt Bower »

Well when you have as many bees as I have you tend to have a few with swarming tendancies no matter what you do. While I try to maintain my bees, occasionally I will have a couple to build swarm cells.
Everyone knows that swarm cells produce the best queens. So why not take advantage of this?
I am going to use the queen castle by brushy mountain. It is fairly self explanitory.
I was doing this with regular sized nucs but thought this might be fun.

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