Chickens and Bees in Greensboro -- Aug 19 Hearing

Postings related to current events or news about honey bees and beekeeping

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Bill Hansen
Posts: 32
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Chickens and Bees in Greensboro -- Aug 19 Hearing

Post by Bill Hansen »

Read the story about chickens and bees in the Greensboro News & Record, published today (7/23).
Urban Chickens Home to Roost
By Lorraine Ahearn
Wednesday, July 23 updated 9:08 am ... e_to_roost

I cut out the blah, blah, blah. Here's the point at the end of the article:
A hearing on the city’s rules for keeping chickens — and bees — is set for 5:30 p.m. Aug. 19 at City Hall.
Guard bee
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Location: Greensboro, NC

Post by Jacobs »

I am going to see if I can clarify what Council will be considering. The Planning Board met July 16th and voted not to recommend either the City Planner recommended version or our version of the amended bee/chicken ordinance. Instead, it voted to recommend changes to the ordinance regarding fences for chickens and chickens roaming at large.

If everything that was covered is going up to Council we need to be there. If only the chicken amendment is going up, chicken people should be there and I would attend out of an abundance of caution.

I will see if City Staff can clarify exactly what is going before Coucil and post here.
Guard bee
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Location: Greensboro, NC

Post by Jacobs »

I spoke with City Planners yesterday morning. I did not get an exact copy of the text going to Council and will try to do so.


I am planning on being at the meeting to speak AGAINST this change. Others will need to decide if it helps them enough to be for it.
Guard bee
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Post by ski »

Just bumping this up to the top as a reminder.

A hearing on the city’s rules for keeping chickens — and bees — is set for 5:30 p.m. Aug. 19 at City Hall.
Bill Hansen
Posts: 32
Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:41 am

Good News

Post by Bill Hansen »

It seems things went very much in Greensboro beekeepers' favor. ... n_chickens
Guard bee
Posts: 1876
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Location: Greensboro, NC

Post by Jacobs »

Things did go well. I met with Mr. Hails of the planning department a week before the meeting and got the proposed wording of the ordinance and the memo that Council would be working from. It had the back yard limitation for bee colonies and relief for 12000+ square foot lot owners only if they could not meet the 50 foot setback and only to the extent of giving a 10 foot area to use.

I spoke at the meeting and asked the Council to amend the proposed changes by striking the limitation of placing bee colonies only in the back yard and by substituting the option of the 12000+ square foot lot owners to be able to use the same setback as the 7000-12000 square foot lot holders were being granted under the Ordinance before them. Council voted unanimously to accept my requested amendments. They then unanimously passed the revised Ordinance.

I obviously have not seen the exact wording of the new Ordinance, but will try and get it when it is available.

Ken (Ski), Wally, and Marc attended one or more of the public meetings (Planning Board, City Council). I am sure others did and they deserve credit for taking their time to "show the flag" on behalf of beekeeping in Greensboro.
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