honey flow

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Kurt Bower
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honey flow

Post by Kurt Bower »

After doing some inspections yesterday, it would appear that we are in some kind of a honey flow. Several of my hives have or in process of filling out the top super with nothing but nectar.
I had originally thought things would be delayed by a couple of weeks but now wonder why my supers are still in the barn? :cry:
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Post by Wally »

I think you have been napping. The flow started a week or more ago.
The removal we did Friday before Easter had 4 deep frames full of fresh nectar when I checked them Sunday.
Kurt Bower
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Post by Kurt Bower »

A few frames of nectar does not justify supering up. As you know, bees love to fill the outside frames of a 10 frame hive first before moving up into the honey supers.
I doubt anyone has honey supers filled with nectar right now. What I observed involved a decisive effort on the bees part to completely fill the brood super on top thus restricting themselves and the queens ability to lay. I would now feel comfortable supering the strong hives anytime.
Besides I was only a little sleepy.

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Post by Wally »

We filled 6 frames with brood comb from the cutout. In 9 days, they finished filling the deep box. I had to super. They were out of room. I added another deep with only foundation. I'll try to check them again this weekend.
You also know it takes 4 frames of nectar to condense down to 1 frame of honey. They need the room to spread it out for evaporation right now.
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Post by drewgrim »

any ideas when the tulip poplar will start blooming? according to my calculations it should be in the next two weeks?
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Post by Wally »

The state website says Apr. 25, so it could be any day now.
Ron Young
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Post by Ron Young »

It is blooming in McLeansville, and NE Guilford Co.
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Post by Jacobs »

Tulip poplars are blooming in Greensboro (4/17/10-4/18/10).
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Post by Jacobs »

I added another super of drawn comb to my strong hive yesterday afternoon. It appears to be well on the way to filling the first medium of drawn comb. This hive has remained strong and active even though I have made a split and a nuc from it and used 5 medium frames of brood to strengthen weaker hives. I'm keeping an eye on the split and nuc to see how this queen's daughters are performing.

I may get sporadic frames of honey from some of my other hives. I have plenty of frames of sugar water honey in the freezer to give back to them.
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Post by Jacobs »

I don't know whether the Spring flow is largely over or whether the rains have caused a temporary dearth, but I went out to find what I believe is robbing out of my dud hive. I will let it go and redistribute the cleaned out comb. I had planned on shaking out the bees and closing out the hive in the next few days anyway. There are about 50 bees hovering outside my swarm trap box at the back of my yard. I do not think they are swarm scouts, but are probably attracted by the honey in one of the old comb frames I put in it. I suspect that the earwigs that have taken up in the swarm trap are putting up a more vigorous defense than the bees in the dud hive and that that is why they are not just going into the trap and taking what they want.
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