Sugar syrup

Bee related information that doesnt fit any where else

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Posts: 19
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 4:29 am
Location: High Point

Sugar syrup

Post by JClately »

Hi everyone. :D

I was wondering what you folks are doing for sugar syrup this fall?
Is there any source for premixed syrup or do you have to do it yourself?
Sure would be nice if there was a local source.
What's the best place to buy sugar?
Is table sugar the best or can you use something else?

Let me know.

Kurt Bower
Guard bee
Posts: 692
Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 2:04 pm
Location: Julian, NC

Post by Kurt Bower »

As many may or may not have heard, there are several things in the works concerning sugar syrup in North Carlolina.
Currently the closest source for any bee feed pre made would probably be Jack Tapp of Busy Bee Apiaries.
Jack is providing corn syrup at a cost of $2.00 per gallon. Jack prefers 5 gallon buckets for filling ease.
Also Jack is working on getting Sam's Club to set up sugar syrup distribution locations across the state. He is currently in frequent contact and trying to get the price where it would be affordable to the beekeeper.
Dr. Tarpy from the State is also working on getting some kind of state wide ditribution system in operation. He is trying to get grant money in order to get the ball rolling and then set up stations throughout the state at which beekepers could come and fill their buckets for a price.
I will keep everyone posted.
