I have a strong hive of Russians. The brood is full, I can add a honey super or second brood.
(1) The second brood would double the number of bees. If they don't fill up rapidly I might miss on the spring flow. Especially the poplar which is best for me.
(2) Or throw a honey super on, see how it goes after the flow, harvest the honey super(s) (I hope a second honey suprt) remove them and replace with a second brood. Feed so they build up stores for the summer and winter. I never had much luck with the fall flow.
I again ask the masters what they would do in the case.
delima - add a honey super or second brood
Re: delima - add a honey super or second brood
Again, while waiting for the masters, I will jump in.
The second scenario is best if you want max honey harvest. You will have to feed all summer and fall.
The second scenario is best if you want max honey harvest. You will have to feed all summer and fall.
Re: delima - add a honey super or second brood
One of the masters did answer. Wally and Kurt have never steered me wrong. Thanks Wally