Pollen Patties

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Pollen Patties

Post by Wally »

Just a reminder. It's that time again. Time to put the pollen patties and 1:1 sugar water on the hives to induce brood rearing for the spring build up.

Frank Wyatt, in Eden, sells the Global pollen patties by the 60 lb. box.
His number is: 336-635-5821.

If you don't want a full box, I buy them from Frank and sell the individual patties. My number is 336-302-2708.
Kurt Bower
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Post by Kurt Bower »


Usually Frank will sell them at a discount at the Spring and Summer meetings. That is if you buy a box.
The people using pollen patties and feeding need to remember that they will have to actively manage their colonies and look for crowding signs. Feeding induces laying and laying may cause swarming or maybe a big honey crop. :shock:
I am hoping to split mine and still get a honey crop. :wink:
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Post by ski »

I am getting a Nuc through the club with delivery sometime in early April. I am planning on feeding syrup with a hive top feeder once they are in the hive. Would the pollen be a good idea as well? :?: Kind of like a burger and a beer? :lol:
Kurt Bower
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Post by Kurt Bower »

I think anything to boost the bee population is a good thing. They are relatively inexpensive.
While I was in feding mine yesterday, I observed the presence of some drones. Apparently it's not too early anymore.

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