Spring buildup

Bee related information that doesnt fit any where else

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Kurt Bower
Guard bee
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Location: Julian, NC

Spring buildup

Post by Kurt Bower »

Hi everyone!
Sorry about the problems with our web page.
It was quite an adventure to say the least.
I was interested in seeing how everyones bees were doing?
Are they building up and have you started feeding yet?
I am wondering if there wont be some early swarming if we arent careful.
Let me know how you and your bee are!


Post by Guest »

Kurt, I lost one of my hives in the last month. I guess due to the cold weather. It was a very strong hive up until the end of Dec. James B
Kurt Bower
Guard bee
Posts: 692
Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 2:04 pm
Location: Julian, NC

Post by Kurt Bower »

Hi James!
I think that we may see some losses due to the warm weather which spurred on brrod rearing. I think it was a make it or break it situation.
Too much brood and not enough bees to take care of them and perhaps they couldnt get to the food once the cold snap hit again.
Sorry for the loss.
Will you be splitting any or will the packages you have on order cover you?

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Joined: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:29 pm

HIve status

Post by bdloving »

Well, of my 2 hives, #1 is doing great.

#2 alas, has crashed, I have a laying queen, honey and brood in the box and only a small amount of bees, and they all seem young. I was reading George Imirie's Pink pages today, and his discription seems to be trachae mite loss. That would make sense, as I didnt treat with menthol in the fall.

I wonder what I can do with the hive as it stands. The queen is less than 8 months old, and seems to be laying, but there are few workers to help her out.

Any suggestions would be appreciated

Hive condition

Post by Wally »

Hello, Kurt & BD
My two hives are doing well. I started feeding Jan. 15, and I noticed today they are bringing in the pollen. I would suggest that BD switch places with his two hives on a warm day when many bees are flying. It is an easy way to transfer a number of bees from the strong hive to the weak one. The returning flyers will readily be accepted by the hive setting in their home site, even tho it's not their hive. I try to keep my hives a distance from each other just for this purpose.

Wishing everyone a great year
Kurt Bower
Guard bee
Posts: 692
Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 2:04 pm
Location: Julian, NC

Post by Kurt Bower »

Sounds like a possibility! Great to hear from you!
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