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Update on my colonies

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 9:38 am
by SaraHoward
Just a quick update on my two colonies. My first from Brushy is doing gangbusters. Almost have filled the hive body with brood, nectar and pollen. Looking great, actually, and have hatched out the first young bees. I even added a super to that hive in anticipation of continued growth.

My second colony from Miller is about two weeks behind the first, and is working but not as strong. They do have eggs/larvae, but not in the number the first colony had at the same point. Maybe their queen is just not as prolific.

I'm happy with how things are going, and will check on them again in a couple of weeks. Really enjoying the daily Bee Update as I walk out to the hives and watch how they are gathering. They are amazing creatures.


Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:53 am
by old-dog
I also got my package from miller on April 10th they have 5 frames filled out and lots eggs and larva. How much has your package frome Miller done and did you get them on the same date as me.

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:41 pm
by old-dog
I was just seeing if they were doing about the same

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:42 pm
by SaraHoward
Hello, Old-Dog! I got mine on the 9th of April. I've got about the same amount of frames being worked (about 5), but not fully drawn out. They are only working in the middle. I didn't see eggs today, but I did see larvae, so I know the queen is laying.

The Miller bees are fine, they are just not taking off in the same way my Brushy Mt. ones did. Part of that is my first colony had the holly in bloom right outside their door. They didn't have to work as hard to get nectar and pollen right off the bat. The holly's done, and are having to roam further for food. That's my theory, anyway. :P

Hope yours continue to do well. How many hives have you got going?


Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:54 pm
by old-dog
I have the one I started frome the package it is well and also have a nuc I will picking up friday the 30th.