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Risk of swarming?

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:25 am
by harleechik70
I opened up my hive yesterday to check on them, as it has been a month or more but I've monitored them from the front throughout that time and they looked healthy and happy.

Man-what a HUGE and healthy hive I have! Yay! Of course, only being a second year beekeeper, now I'm worried that they are too jam packed in there. I am three supers high and there is lots of honey stored away on each level. It's not completely full of honey, as there is still a lot of brood of course. I've been feeding them 32 oz. of syrup each morning and it's gone by mid-day.

My questions are--as the queen slows down laying, will they then fill up those empty slots with honey down in the lower supers? Is there a risk that they will swarm this late in the season? should I slow down the feeding?

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:11 am
by Wally
Stop the feeding completely. Check their supplies the first of Oct and feed then if needed.

Swarm season is over. You shouldn't have any swarms this late from a healthy hive.