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Late swarm

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 4:17 am
by Kurt Bower
Just brought back my bees from Virginia. Everything went great and they traveled well.
After talking to a couple of veteran beekeepers, I no longer screen them in as not to take a chance of suffocaing them.
However, after gonig out into the yard last night I noticed an unusual amount of activity near a tree. Sure enough I had a small swarm of maybe 6-8,000 bees.
You can never be too sure about these things...
Well I caught them and gave them a new home. I wonder if I can get them ready for winter in time?


Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 7:50 am
by Wally
It sounds more like a misplaced queen from the stress of moving. I would feed them for about 5 days, then check the hives for eggs. You may find one queenless. If so, combine.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 1:28 pm
by Kurt Bower
I am going to wait until Thursday (weather permitting) before checking to see if queenright.
I lose approx 10% during the moves.


Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:37 am
by Kurt Bower
Well my little swarm has a queen and she is laying like crazy.
Only when I went through the 10 I brought back from VA, I found eggs in every one.
Guess I will have to inspect the others now.


Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 4:41 pm
by Wally
I just came in from rural hall. I removed a colony from an 1880 house exterior wall. Four full frames of brood, wall to wall, as good a pattern as you can ask for. Never seen a SHB, the board I vacuumed them onto had no mites in two hours. Enough bees that I added a second hive body because I didn't think they would all fit in one. Some of the wax was so old it shattered like papyrus. No life at all left in it. I'm guessing at least 10 years old, maybe more. Very black, "and very mean" bees. I think it will make a nice hive.

Souinds Good

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 6:48 am
by No=-Bee's
"Really Mean Bees" Does this indicate that you wore a bee suit, or were they just sort of mean? Hate I could not go with you yesterday. How much honey did they have in stores with the brood?

By the way, when I went out to fill the feeder jar this am, one of the bees stung me on top of the ear. I don't know if they are trying to tell me they do not like my syrup mix, or if they are just developing an attitude. I have noticed that they are getting more defensive. Everytime I go out there, they fly out and buzz me, but this is the first time I have taken a sting since we brought them home.