Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:44 pm
From what I can see from the picture the comb looks fine. There does appear to be some gooey stuff from a few cells or is that just shinny bees? But I don't think that looks like a problem. Is there any unusual smell or American Foul Brood (AFB) scale, most likely not. I would NOT burn it.
Shake and tap the frame to get as many dead bees off and store the frames. There should not be a rush to protect them from wax moth or SHB as long as we have cold weather. But if it gets warm before you get more bees installed you will want to protect the wax and stores from wax moths and SHB. There are a few different ways to store comb but that can be another topic.
Shake and tap the frame to get as many dead bees off and store the frames. There should not be a rush to protect them from wax moth or SHB as long as we have cold weather. But if it gets warm before you get more bees installed you will want to protect the wax and stores from wax moths and SHB. There are a few different ways to store comb but that can be another topic.