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How many 8 frame medium hive boxes should I have and more

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:59 pm
by michelle
I have two hives, brand new. I have two medium hive boxes, 8 frames on each, with a reserve 8 frame medium super for each. I didn't put the third one on, since I wasn't sure if new bees would just fill up the bottom hive first or really how that works.

My question is - should I put on the third hive box now or wait until I see the bees fill up at least one of the others with brood, etc? Also, for this area, how many hive boxes should I have for each hive, considering I have 8 frame, medium supers? Not just for this year, but in general? I am trying to avoid sticker shock and buy up some stuff every couple of months.

Also, I read I should be feeding the bees pollen patties. Are all the same, or how do you know? Also, the stuff, I think it is Bee Gone or something that you can add to the sugar water and use to calm the bees, etc - should I get that?

Finally, is there a place locally to buy a large quantity of sugar and maybe some kind of food grade plastic to make up the sugar syrup in? Making it in my kitchen bowls is not allowing me to make enough at one time.

Again, thank you for all the help everyone has kindly provided me!


Re: How many 8 frame medium hive boxes should I have and mor

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:14 pm
by Wally
1.. 2 mediums is plenty to start. Put the third one on when the 2 are nearing full. Let that be your brood nest. The next one, probably next year, will be your honey super.

2..Fill a mayonaise or mason jar with sugar. Then fill it with water. Shake it well and set it out overnight. Shake it a couple of times until it is dissolved. Make 3 or 4 at a time. No mess, no bowls needed.

3.. No additives this time of year are needed. No pollen substitute needed.

Re: How many 8 frame medium hive boxes should I have and mor

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:31 pm
by ski
My question is - should I put on the third hive box now or wait.
Wait until there are bees covering or drawing out 5-6 frames of the top box then add another box.

how many hive boxes should I have for each hive, considering I have 8 frame, medium supers? Not just for this year, but in general?
That is hard to say because it depends on the nectar flow and how active your bees are. But rough guess would be 5-6 boxes per hive total. But what if your hive swarms and you want to put it in a hive, that would be a complete set. Not a bad thing to have.

I read I should be feeding the bees pollen patties. Are all the same
Some people feed pollen patties some don't, if you do feed pollen patties just give them a small chunk that can eat in a week, that will keep the small hive beetles from eating and multiplying. Also if there is a good nectar flow and natural pollen available they may not touch the pollen patty.

Are all the same, or how do you know
Everybody's pollen patty is the best just ask them. I don't think it matters much. I would buy what is on sale.

the stuff, I think it is Bee Gone or something that you can add to the sugar water and use to calm the bees, etc - should I get that?
I think you mean honey bee healthy - Bee gone will run your bees out of the hive.
I would not recommend the HBH for a new hive as it has a reputation for attracting bees from other hives to rob. I would wait.

I have found Walmart 25 pound bag for 47 cents per pound to be about the best unless you want to buy 2000 pound bags then I think you will get a better deal but shipping will cost you.

Food grade plastic to mix sugar
I have used plastic gallon jugs from water. You can put 5 pounds of sugar in and fill it up with hot tap water and it is very close to 1:1 sugar syrup. The bees never complained.
If you want to mix larger batches get a plastic bucket from the bakery dept at the grocery store that used for icing, they will be food grade buckets.

Hope that answered most of your questions.

Re: How many 8 frame medium hive boxes should I have and mor

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:34 pm
by ski
I guess it took me toooooo long to type my stuff.

Re: How many 8 frame medium hive boxes should I have and mor

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:52 pm
by dhamiltn
The article on checkerboarding in this month's Bee Culture advocated adding another super as soon as the bees have started on the latest one, instead of waiting until it's getting full. This, in theory, provides more "motivation" since they can't coast to completion of what they view as the end of their available space.

Re: How many 8 frame medium hive boxes should I have and mor

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:28 pm
by Wally
I don't think the guy that wrote that article ever met SHB.

Re: How many 8 frame medium hive boxes should I have and mor

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:12 pm
by Zulu
Wally world has food grade buckets with lids, so does any brew store (Triad Home Brew - cnr Market and Guilford College) so does

The Home Despot label on the orange buckets says food grade , but I dont trust bright orange... :D

Re: How many 8 frame medium hive boxes should I have and mor

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 6:22 pm
by Wally
I get 5 and 6 gallon buckets from donut shops and slushy shops. They are food grade. They have already been used for food. With lids, I pay 1.00 each.

Thank you

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:44 pm
by michelle
Thanks for all the information. I wasn't sure, since I am trying to decipher my notes from class, read the books I have and apply some common sense.