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adding a super

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 3:05 pm
by Zulu
The hive I was given is going gang busters

It has a deep and two supers, the queen and strong brood are in the top super at present , with brood also in the lower super
The deep has pollen and honey on 6 of the frames - two others have started being drawn out , last two have little to no activity and there is 3 frames full of honey in the middle super mixed brood pollen and honey on others, upper super has some pollen and honey but mostly brood on 5-6 frames.

So how do I add a super with new foundation, I know the bees wont work honey below the brood.

Should I move all the boxes around and put the queen super at bottom ??

Re: adding a super

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 10:04 am
by ski
The bottom deep box is mostly pollen, honey and a couple of undrawn frames.
I would leave that box alone and let them use it for storage of pollen. Move the undrawn frames to the middle.

The top two supers are brood.
I would leave them as is as well and add a super on top.

That is my best guessestimate without actually taking a look.

Re: adding a super

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 7:05 am
by Zulu
Thanks Ken

That is what I did