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Hive fell over - bees attacking me

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:51 am
by michelle
I looked out at my hive this morning and it had been knocked over. I wetn out with my smoker, but the bees are so angry that I only got one of the supers on before I had been attacked and had about 40-50 stings. I need some advise/help on how to get this hive back up. Should I do it at night? Thanks


Re: Hive fell over - bees attacking me

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:57 pm
by Wally
Check the mentor list on the front page link and call for help.

Dress heavily, smoke yourself heavily, then smoke the bees and set them up rapidly. They don't have to be in perfect alignment, just back on somewhat as they were before. Give them a couple hours to settle, then straighten the boxes.

Re: Hive fell over - bees attacking me

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 2:56 pm
by michelle
thanks. I am going to go back out there later when my sister can be here, in case I need hosing off again. The bees just clung to me. My jeans were too heavy to get many stings, but my arms and torso look bad. I am going to wear a coat this time!

Re: Hive fell over - bees attacking me

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:57 pm
by Wally
Did you get them put back together?

Re: Hive fell over - bees attacking me

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:48 am
by michelle
I did except one super, it was new and I actually overlooked in putting the hive back together . Myabe after my swelling goes down I will put it back up.

I wore thick clothes and did not get stung on my torso again. I was covered in bees and a few did get in my bee hat and stung my face. I look pretty bad, but I guess this is all about the learning curve.

I suspect since I live near the woods, an animal knocked over the hive. My mom suggested mothballs near the hive, but I don't know if that is safe.

Re: Hive fell over - bees attacking me

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:05 pm
by Wally
I don't know what you had the hive sitting on, but I would suspect the stand collapsed.If that isn't possible, then it may well have been an animal.Mothballs wouldn't harm the bees if not within 5 feet or so from the hive, but I also don't know that it would help. A cement block on top the hive would likely work just as well.