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Bee Yard Table

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:07 am
by ski
I have been thinking about a small table for the bee yard for some time and came across this one in Beesource a week or so ago. It was designed and built by Katharina from Keno OR. A link is below.
I thought it was a simple build that may work well so I built one and posted links to a few pictures below.
I have not used it yet but think it may work well in the bee yard.
Thought some other folks would like it to.

The top of the table is about 17 inches high and it weighs about 21 pounds. ... ble007.jpg ... ble006.jpg ... ble004.jpg ... ble003.jpg ... ble001.jpg ... -Workbench
From the beesource site:
I kind of worked as I went along. Let recap out of my memory.

2x3s (you need a total of three 8' long boards):
two 48 inches long
three 18 inches long (equals yor frame with plus a little bit extra)
four 18 pieces for the legs (one end round with a bolt hole, and the other end with a 15 degree angle.
4 shorter pieces with a 15 degree angle to stop the legs. I think they are about 5 inches long, but you can cut them to length.

1x2s (you only need one 8' board):
two pieces about 24.5 inches to support the legs.

The 18" long pieces are mounted 12" appart between the long rails.
The legs are bolted at 7" from each side. I counter sank them so I do not rub against the bolt end and the nuts. I used 2 normal washers for each bolt, and a large washer between the leg and rail to prevent the wood from rubbing against each other.

I hope that is enough to recreate it.

Re: Bee Yard Table

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:53 am
by Wally
You are a much better wood worker then I. It looks good, and should be very handy.

Re: Bee Yard Table

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:35 pm
by ski
I have not used it yet so we shall see how it holds up and handy it is. I think it will do fine. I will put a few coats of paint on it before getting wax and propolis on it and thought about making legs out of treated wood, and replacing the small floor of luan paneling with hardware cloth.
If anyone is in the area and wants to have a look at it, send me a PM or post something here.

Re: Bee Yard Table

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:16 am
by ski
I took a couple of pictures of the table after it was painted with the hive tool and smoker on it.
I did not make any changes to the table, figured I would try it out first.
The table is strong enough but I am not going to haul it back and forth from the barn to the bee hives, its going to stay at the hives. I was using it to work a hive and when I moved on to another hive the table stayed where it was. Its just too big and too much trouble to move.
I think if you have 3 or 4 hives fairly close together and have this setting behind them it could work well but if your hives are spread out over 40-50 feet it becomes something to drag around.
I will leave it at the hives and maybe it will come in handy when reversing or replacing boxes. ... ble015.jpg ... ble009.jpg

Re: Bee Yard Table

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:50 pm
by Zulu
I like a lot.

I just used 4 concrete building blocks and two 8 ft decking boards for my table , but i like the style of this a lot.

Re: Bee Yard Table

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:17 pm
by ski
If anyone is interested I can bring the table to the next meeting that I attend. Folks can see if they would want one and build their own or build some to sell. I am not currently interested in selling anything.
I did use the parts list in this thread and printed a picture to use as a guide when building.

Re: Bee Yard Table

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:20 pm
by ski
I was going through hives today and thought I would give the table another try.
I swapped boxes on a couple of hives and it worked well for putting a hive body on each end throwing burr comb in the small table area. When I went to the next hive I picked it up by the leg cross bar and dragged it down several feet. After using it a bit I would recommend it.

Re: Bee Yard Table

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:41 am
by ski
I have not seen the article yet but I understand this workbench is written up in the January 2012 Bee Culture Magazine.

Re: Bee Yard Table

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 6:47 am
by ski
Kirt Webster has a unique table in that you can tip the table and lay the hive on it. I am not sure I would ever get used to doing that. But a nice feature for folks with failing backs.

Kirt Websters bee yard and demo of bee table. ... re=related

Re: Bee Yard Table

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:05 pm
by ski
You could just buy one of these from the box store for $45-$50.
