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NC State Beekeepers Meeting March 2012 - Notes

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:58 am
by ski
NC State Beekeepers Meeting March 9,10 2012

Just a few notes from the state meeting that I thought were interesting.

Dr. Tarpy did some testing of Italian queens from a few areas in the United States and found that there are basically only two strains of Italians in the USA. One on the west coast and one in the south and east coast and all Italian queens are related to one of these two strains.

Mike Simone is doing genetic testing at NC State to find genetic markers in bees that would indicate that they could tolerate stress better then other bees.
Mike is looking for beekeepers to donate 30 foragers and 30 young bees from hives once a month till Sept.
If interested E-mail Mike Simone at:

Bee Informed Partnership

Roger Simonds from the USDA test lab Gastonia NC
Thymol does leave a residue in wax, pollen and honey but it is not a health concern.
Formic Acid if used during a honey flow will leave a residue by about 10 times the normal level and it will change the taste of honey.

Nancy Rupert – NC Bee Inspector
IF you ever have your bee equipment fumigated at the chamber in Raleigh do not use the wax for honey that will be used for human consumption.

There was an interesting debate in the general meeting about the following:
All beekeepers that belong to the local chapter will have to belong to the NCSBA.

This was voted down at this meeting but I think we may hear it again in the future.