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Local bee group on Facebook

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 2:23 pm
by Zulu
I know many of you are not into social media, twittering, facing, spacing etc.....

But Tim Goetz (Class of 2011 :-) beginners Bee Keeping ) decided to create a local page for Greensboro, the Gate City, as there are very active pages for Tennis and Chickens.....

Join up and see the fun .....


Re: Local bee group on Facebook

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 4:48 pm
by Jacobs
No thanks--I'm not really into social media and I would rather focus on THIS forum as a place for local exchanges of information and building a local base of knowledge about beekeeping in this area.

Re: Local bee group on Facebook

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 5:19 pm
by Wally

Re: Local bee group on Facebook

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 6:19 am
by dwbicefam
Well, since I am already on Facebook daily, it makes sense to me. I would still bring my "issues" to this forum, as I check it daily, but as Rick says, the younger folks are Tweeting, Facebooking etc... all day long, and it might be a good way to attract some of them to beekeeping. I can also see not joining if you don't already use social media-it would be "one more thing to do" in a busy life and heaven only knows most of us don't need one more thing to do.

Re: Local bee group on Facebook

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 4:36 am
by Firebee
I joined the group, I think I was #7

Re: Local bee group on Facebook

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 6:05 am
by ski
I have not been very impressed by Facebook as a beekeeping tool as it is not organized into categories, there is no search function and if it received a lot of posts it would just be one long scroll. I am going to stay with the regular forums for beekeeping as well.

Re: Local bee group on Facebook

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 1:56 pm
by voelkeref
I disagree. I am part of a very active facebook group from my old association, and it is much faster posting and getting responses on facebook than it is from a forum like this.
So I'd suggest switching over to facebook.

You'll also be able to attract more members that way.

Re: Local bee group on Facebook

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 10:07 am
by DuaneB
I think I'll just stay here; with people and information in/for THIS area.

Re: Local bee group on Facebook

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 11:26 am
by Jacobs
I think we may be trying to accomplish different things with the different outlets. This forum may be old and slow, but with input that goes back years, and with a steady contribution of observations by a reasonable number of participants, we are trying to build a base of local knowledge and not just a place for quick communication. The more and better input about local bloom dates, local dates when drones are seen or first fly, local information about bee development weather in February, the more we may be able to predict when our swarm season will start from year to year. Will our observations over the years allow us to go back and figure trends (educated guesses) about when our flow will begin in years to come?

We do monitor this forum fairly closely and we try and avoid political issues since our beekeepers hold a WIDE range of political view. We do respond to new beekeepers questions here, but we also have contact information on the site for those who need a quicker response by phone or text, and our password protected mentor page is available for new members, but not the general public. Some mentors do not want phone numbers openly published.