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Price range for honey

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:50 pm
by Ron Young
Just wondering what the price range is for honey in Greensboro Area?

1/2 Lb. Extracted (classic glass jar) ??

1 Lb. Extracted (classic glass jar) ??

Pint of Cut Comb (standard mason jar) ??

Quart of Cut Comb (standard mason jar) ??

The honey I harvested this year was a light amber, and was most likely tulip poplar. The honey in the comb that I put in the cut comb was very light, and pretty, and I hate that I did not have any light honey to put on top of it. However, the light cappings still give it a nice look, even through the poplar honey.

Re: Price range for honey

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:25 pm
by Wally
5.00 per lb. plus container cost seems to be the norm from what i have heard.