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Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:04 pm
by ski
I have not had many swarms in the fall but here is one for this fall.
Saw a lot of bees in the air today around 4 PM and saw them starting to gather around a rosemary bush that is about 20 feet in front of about 4 hives.
I saw them starting to land on a roasemary bush branch by the time I got the camera they looked like this:

Then like this:

and then like this:

and finally:

It wasn't a big swarm but not a small one either, but I got them in a box and tonight they were settling down. ... G_2022.jpg ... G_2023.jpg

Re: Swarm

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:25 pm
by Wally
I would think abscond rather than swarm, unless you know where they came from and can see which it was.

Re: Swarm

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:04 pm
by ski
The hives are in the third week of Apiguard, I think I would have absconded before now if I had to live with that stuff.
With all of those bees in the air I could not figure out which hive they came from, you think it would have been easy.
I will check the hives the next few days and see what I can see.

Re: Swarm

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:16 am
by Jacobs
It may not be an abscond/suicide swarm from your hive. It may be one that was attracted by the smell of your hives. I had a small swarm show up over my bees late in the afternoon about 3 weeks ago. I retrieved it from the fig bush in the back of my yard. The queen was unmarked. I only have 1 unmarked queen among my bees at the house, and having just seen her that day, can say with certainty, this queen was not the same.

I put the swarm in a 5 frame deep nuc, and after seeing that the queen was laying, boosted the hive with a frame of brood. I marked her with silver paint (age unknown) a week ago, and plan to evaluate the laying pattern today. It will be a real challenge to overwinter this nuc, but if I can use it for 2 October bee presentations and not disturb/disrupt my functioning hives, I will be happy.

Re: Swarm

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 5:00 pm
by ski
They are not absconding they are just small swarms.
Here is a picture of one today making the third that I have found this fall. I have all three in medium frame size nuc boxes and they are collecting / taking, nectar / syrup and storing it in the drawn frames. I was going to check one of the swarms for eggs yesterday but robbers moved in pretty fast so I just closed them up and will check another day. Maybe its the warm spring like weather encouraging the swarms. ... 01/009.jpg