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Happy 2013

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:12 pm
by ski
I hope everyone has a great and safe New Year and may the New Year bring you all health wealth and happiness.

Thanks to Wally and Jacobs for putting in all the work on this web site and to Rob, James, Lavern and Ruth and everyone else that helps with running one of the best Beekeeping Clubs around.


Re: Happy 2013

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 12:44 pm
by Jacobs
I join Ski in wishing everyone a happy 2013. Ski's a little modest in not mentioning his role in the original website improvement, getting the banner we still use at field day, the quest for our club hats, setting up our library, behind the scenes input whenever I ask, and other things I am forgetting at this moment.

I hope to get more participation from association members in 2013. We all have talents to share, and what may appear to one person to be a minor contribution may be the equivalent of scaling a mountain to another of our members.

The better job our club does, the fewer replacement bees we have to buy or raise!