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Feeding sugar syrup

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:47 am
by B_Lee
In with getting all prepped for picking up packages this weekend, how much syrup should I make for two packages? How much syrup can I place in a top hive feeder at on time? How much on average will last a week? I plan on feeding Honey B Healthy as well.

How much can I expect to feed before pulling off feeders?

Re: Feeding sugar syrup

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 7:57 am
by Jacobs
Do a search of "sugar syrup" in this forum and you will find a fair amount of information. If your feeders will hold 2 gallons, I would plan on putting about that much in each feeder to start. In an earlier post, Wally suggested checking feeders every 4-5 days to see if they needed re-filling. Ski said that you will want to keep feeding as long as they are drawing comb, but not so long that they fill all of the cells with sugar water and have no place for the queen to lay eggs. When they draw out enough frames and bees are covering enough frames in your first box, you will want to add a second and get the bees to work drawing out that comb. If you wind up with a really prolific queen, this build up of bees and the need for additional supers can go on for quite awhile.

While bees are drawing comb in foundation, you want to feed heavily. The bees can go to the feeder at night and during rainy/windy weather and still get what they need to make and draw wax. If there is a nectar flow, the bees may be slower to take the sugar syrup, but will still use it when they can't forage. If the temperature of the syrup gets too cool, the bees won't take it until it warms up. As, you can see, a lot of what you want to know depends on the bees, the nectar flow, and the weather, and you are just going to have to keep an eye on things and adapt.


Re: Feeding sugar syrup

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:59 am
by Wally
What he said........

But I will repeat....


But not if you don't ask.

Re: Feeding sugar syrup

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 5:27 am
by B_Lee
Just what I needed to hear. The search is the way to go. Found some good info that cleared up a lot of things. Thanks.