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Arctic Blast

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:03 am
by Jacobs
I took advantage of this cold spell to move 7 supers with frames outside. Although I had done some wax moth prevention work, these frames had areas of pollen that attracted the moths and let some larvae burrow. I hope this will help preserve some of these old, darker frames.

I have already forgotten to bring in my honey water and plain water jars, so I am glad that I made the switch to the plastic mayo jars for my feeder and waterers about 2 weeks ago.

Re: Arctic Blast

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 8:22 am
by Jacobs
I cannot remember an unbroken seige of bitter cold like this since I started beekeeping. The 10 day forecast (2/18/15 forward) offers little in the way of relief. This will be a real test of weak hives and is the reason why we are told to check food stores on those sunny days of 50°F+. We are supposed to be at 50°F+ every day on average this time of year. I'm waiting.

Re: Arctic Blast

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 10:54 pm
by pholcomb
I'll be amazed if my one remaining hive survives this cold spell. I expect I'll be going into spring without a hive.
