Bayer CropScience launches “Feed a Bee” initiative
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:43 pm
Bayer CropScience is launching "Feed a Bee", a major initiative to increase forage for honey bees and other pollinators, including growing 50 million flowers and providing additional forage acreage in 2015.
Bayer CorpScience Feed A Bee Initative
Feed A Bee - Let’s grow 50 million flowers and increase forage areas to ensure bees have access to the food they need. Each seed packet of 200 seeds gets us just a little closer.
Bayer CorpScience Feed A Bee Initative
Feed A Bee - Let’s grow 50 million flowers and increase forage areas to ensure bees have access to the food they need. Each seed packet of 200 seeds gets us just a little closer.