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Mold under the telescopic lid

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:30 pm
by agc
I have two new hives, one very strong group and the other only so so. Probably some drifting as I read some of the other comments on here.

They both are taking the sugar water, one more than the other. After the frog strangling rains on Sunday, I checked the sugar water levels in both feeders on Monday. I noticed green/white mold forming under the telescopic lid, I assume coming from the moisture of the sugar water. I thought about taking the lid off and cleaning with 1:10 solution of bleach:water. Is this necessary? Is it of concern?


Gray Cassell

Re: Mold under the telescopic lid

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 6:15 pm
by Jacobs
I would clean it like you suggest because I would clean it like you suggest. Probably not much to be concerned about, but I just wouldn't want it there.

Re: Mold under the telescopic lid

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 6:27 pm
by Wally
Many times my sugar water will grow a black mold. Maybe it will give them a bit of penicillin, cause I don't bother it.

Re: Mold under the telescopic lid

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:23 pm
by Bsummitkeeper
Depending on what type top feeders your running you could very well be cutting the air flow that your inner cover usually provides. I run a pop cycle stick at the top of mine to let some air flow without allowing space for bees to get through and cause a mass drowning.

when I forget to provide that small gap I'll get the same mold along with condensation build on the inside of the lid. air flow in the hive is your friend with or without feeders.

Re: Mold under the telescopic lid

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:27 pm
by Bsummitkeeper
To follow up, even when I run the Popsicle stick I sometimes see the black mold, just not as much of it. I only use top feeders on splits for early buildup and never run them long enough that it's a big concern.