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Bees outside hive after Apiguard

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 3:19 pm
by KHansen
I just started Apiguard treatment (about 24 hours ago) and the bees have now moved outside the hive in large numbers, as of about 2pm this afternoon. I imagine this is because it's hot out and the vapors are driving the bees out. I followed the instructions and left the screen bottom covered, and I'm also feeding the bees, so their ventilation is significantly reduced. I know some boarding is normal with mite treatments, but this seems like a lot. Has anyone else experienced this? I am a first year beekeeper, so any advice is appreciated!

Re: Bees outside hive after Apiguard

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:24 am
by Jacobs
I haven't used Apiguard yet, but I did run across this FAQ on their website ... 201208.pdf

See question 15.

Other forum members must have had experience with Apiguard. How about letting us know about your experiences.

KHansen, let us know what they look like now that the Apiguard has been on over night and the temperatures are lower.

Re: Bees outside hive after Apiguard

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:32 am
by ski
I used Apiguard for 3-4 years but not in the last 3 years.
I do recall some bearding but not to that extant.

Maybe they don't like being upside down. :)

Would also like to see another pic now that the temps are in the 70's and the bees have had time to acclimate.

Re: Bees outside hive after Apiguard

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:38 am
by KHansen
Bees did start going back in the hive as the temperatures dropped, but there were still quite a few outside, even after dark. It rained a bit overnight, and in the morning the beard looked much more reasonable. However, there's a large number of dead bees outside now, both brood and adults. :( Anyone know whether this is normal? If the mite treatment didn't cause the mortality, would stress do that? Hopefully the cooler temps today will keep them more comfortable.

This photo was taken in the morning. Sorry about the orientation. It shows up correctly on Apple devices.

Re: Bees outside hive after Apiguard

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 12:25 pm
by Jacobs
The bearding looks considerably better in your latest photo. I do expect some brood kill and some of the weaker bees to die during the early stages of mite treatments. ... f=6&t=1819 This link to another mite treatment segment of our forum board contains one of my posts with a photo of the landing board of a hive after less than a day of half treatments of MAQS. In addition to the dead mites, you can see a few dead drones, some dead workers and larvae and a few more dead bees below the landing board.

Re: Bees outside hive after Apiguard

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:03 pm
by Becky Hampton
I used Apiguard last year and am using it this year on my biggest hive (the others don't warrant treatment). I may have missed the instruction about leaving the screen bottom covered because I've left it open each of the times I've used it. My bees didn't beard, but the queen refused to lay in the portion of the frames directly above the Apiguard. She has a very nice full pattern of brood on one half of the frames and nothing near or above the Apiguard. Can hardly blame her - you can smell the thymol from a distance.