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Request from Olav Rueppell (UNC-G) for Help with Research

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 7:08 am
by Jacobs
Dear Fellow Guilford County Beekeepers,

As announced at our last monthly meeting, the UNCG Honey Bee Research
Lab needs your help again. This time, we would like you to let us know
if you suspect that you have a queen in poor health.

We all know, queen health is a critical issue but we dont know enough
about the health of our queens. Especially viruses are not studied
enough and therefore we want to contribute a study. In this project we
would like to identify about 20 honey bee colonies from different
sources that have a virus infected queens. Therefore, when you contact
us, we will come out and sample about 50 fresh eggs per colony to
determine whether the queen is virus infected. If she is, we will
exchange your sick queen for one of our healthy queens so that we can
study the sick queen more.

In addition to a new queen, you will also get a report on the viruses
that we found in your queen. So, please let us know as soon as
possible if you have one (or several) queens that we can include in
our study. Please contact:

Olav Rueppell
phone: 336-256-2591

Esmaeil Amiri
Phone: 336-334-9783