Rockingham Beekeepers Meeting--March 3, 2016

Upcoming events of the club and requests for appearances of club members at public or private enterprises.

Moderators: Jacobs, Wally

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Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:36 pm
Location: Greensboro, NC

Rockingham Beekeepers Meeting--March 3, 2016

Post by Jacobs »

We received the following invitation from the Rockingham County Beekeepers to join them for a meeting on a very interesting topic--

I would like to invite any members of the Guilford County Beekeepers to the March meeting of the Rockingham County Beekeepers. The speaker for the evening will be Dr. Wyatt Magnum, and his topic will be "Hot! Bees: Thermals Cameras in the Apiary”. Dr. Mangum is an exceptional speaker, and if you could an email or newsletter it would be sincerely appreciated.

We meet on the 1st Thursday of each month (March 3rd) at 7:00 PM. No pot luck dinner, but desserts or snacks are appreciated. The location is the Rockingham County Agricultural Building, 565 Highway 65, Reidsville, NC (actually closer to Wentworth, near Rockingham Community College).

Jerry Tyson
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