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Honey is thick and grainy

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:01 am
by DFisher
I pulled a super this past weekend. For some reason it was different than any before. This was very thick, although lighter in color, so thick it will not strain. Also, after several days and a little thru the strainer, the honey is very grainy, almost like crystallized sugar. It is a bit cloudy as well. It tastes fantastic, but the texture and cloudiness could hinder selling it. I just pulled a super a month ago from the same hive, and it was clear, smooth and quick to strain. Any thoughts on what would be different?

One old-timer told me the answer matter-of-factly: he said someone nearby is making moonshine! He was serious as he could be. Anyone ever heard that?

Re: Honey is thick and grainy

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 4:02 pm
by mike91553
Consider yourself lucky that you could still extract it at all. I have had some and have heard reports from a few others of solid honey in the frames that you cannot get out. Teach your customers the positive benefits of crystallized honey. Its the very best to use in coffee since it won't fall off your spoon when you dip it out.

Re: Honey is thick and grainy

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 9:33 am
by DFisher
Had a couple theories from others. I am told it could be from pollen gathered from Canola (rapeseed), or from sunflowers. I am not aware of Canola being grown around Stokes County (does anyone know?) and I know there are sunflowers, but have not seen any large fields nearby. Regardless, this stuff is good, and yes, it is great in coffee or hot tea.

Re: Honey is thick and grainy

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 3:17 pm
by herbcoop
I had the same thing, I pulled 9 shallow frames so I know it wasn't anything from sugar water... Glad to see you had the same thing since I hadn't seen anyone else posting about. I'm in Thomasville so I doubt moonshine in my local area "LOL" but ya never know..