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The Jacobs Home for Wayward Bees or "Swarm"-9/2/16

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 12:43 pm
by Jacobs
I got a call from Terminix a little after 11:00 am about honey bees on the ground and a small cluster in a tree.
I went and vacuumed what might generously be 1 pound of bees. I have them in a nuc with a couple of medium frames (drawn) and a jar feeder with a pint of sugar water. I'll check for a queen after the rains come and go. I have hives that I can combine these bees with if they have no queen. If they have one, I may give them a frame or two of brood and nurse bees from another hive to see what they can do.

Re: The Jacobs Home for Wayward Bees or "Swarm"-9/2/16

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 1:25 pm
by Jacobs
There is a small, very dark queen and some single well placed eggs in this swarm/nuc. Later today I will post a picture of today's addition to the Jacobs Home for Wayward Bees that came from Brown Summit.