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Swarm 03/18/2017

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 7:15 pm
by donwal
High Point, Guilford County

Swarm arrived in our bee yard today at 2:00 pm. I don't think is from our hives. Put them in Sally's five frame nuc box. We did not see the queen, but I believe she is in the box. They settled in nicely and started orientation flights, flying out and coming back in. Will move them to her yard tomorrow. ... a3148ce508

This is Sally's first bee hive.

Re: swarm 03/18/2017

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:49 am
by Jacobs
It is always nice when the bees come to you. It is also nice of you to give a gift of bees to a new beekeeper.

I had activity in an empty hive yesterday that looked like scouts or perhaps my bees removing the last of the honey from some frames. This morning, I am hearing bees in the empty. If it is a swarm, it is not a large one. I'm wondering if it may just be bees that got caught inside the empty when the thunderstorms hit yesterday afternoon. If I still see and hear activity tomorrow, when it is warmer, I will open the hive and check things out.

Re: Swarm 03/18/2017

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 8:52 pm
by donwal
Sally's hive was moved to her home today. The girls have settled in nicely.