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winter stores and health

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 5:33 am
by Kurt Bower
Hi everyone! :wink:
just thought I would get some feedback on how your bees are doing.
Mine have been generally light on stores and some even light on bees.
I expect upwards of a 25% loss this winter due to colony size.
I may end up combining a couple just to see if I can get them to overwinter.
The strongest 2 hives I have, are the ones that I shook off from 2 colonies that had American Foulbrood. They are packed with bees and I believe will be the strongest I have going into the spring.
I continue to try and refine my overwintering tactics and believe that requeening and colony strength are essential to overwintering success.
One of my mistakes that I continue to make is treating for Varroa too late in the season. Sometimes I dont treat until I see deformed wings, and then I am in trouble. I am still using FGMO and have stepped up to adding thymol to help with mite knockdown.
If you have the time, please post how your bees are doing and any tips or tricks that you employ for healthy and strong hives.


Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:02 am
by JClately
Well, Mine are going into winter about the same.
I cant believe how much I had to feed them this year. I thought the fall flow would help more but it didn't. I am looking for a better year next year. It will only be a couple of months before we start feeding again for the Spring buildup.
Best of luck,

Fall Chores

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 11:53 am
by Wally
Well, I went into them saturday , removed the apistan strips, estimated weight for winter, and reduced the entrance opening. I guess that about does it until Feb. or March.
Here's hoping you all have a successful overwintering .


Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 3:57 pm
by bdloving
Speaking of Thymol, does anyknow know the requirements for the Pesticide license needed to user VarLife (Section 18?)

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 9:43 pm
by Guest

The requirements are that you have your general use pesticide license which requires about 4-6 hours of class time. If I can find it, I will post the link to figure out exactly which classes you need and where you can get them.