Bee Swarm

Try posting here when needing or sharing information about the removal of honey bees from unwanted locations.

Moderators: Jacobs, Wally

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Bee Swarm

Post by Dave »

On 4/21/2018 (Saturday), my hive swarmed. They flew about fifty feet from the hive to a tree branch 15 feet high. I used a ladder and climbed up to the swam and cut the branch off the tree with a saw all. As I was coming down the ladder holding the heavy branch with both hands, I tripped on a rung and dropped the branch. There was a lot of bees in the air-- a lot. They went back up the tree and swarmed around the tree trunk. This time about 18 feet high. It was late in the day so I waited to the next day. Rob Jacobs let me borrow his bee vacuum the next day. I went up the ladder and vacuumed up the bees. I filled two 5 gallon buckets. Wow! Thanks Rob. I could not have done it without your bee vac. It's the perfect tool for the job.

Dave B.
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