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Club Extractor

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 9:07 am
by Jacobs
The good folks at L& B Apiaries, the bucket people, have donated a 9 frame extractor to the GCBA. Your Board is looking for input. If there is interest in a loaner program, it will only be started if there is a volunteer to take care of the extractor and manage the check out, return, etc. Our thinking is that the manager would get free personal use of the extractor while other club members would pay a modest fee. If the loaner option is popular and we have a volunteer, we will develop guidelines for its use.

Let us hear from you.

Re: Club Extractor

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 6:31 am
by Wally
Kurt Bower may be able to give you details, but I think the club had a loaner at one time that was ended because of problems. I suggest asking him if he can say why.

Re: Club Extractor

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 8:15 pm
by royl
A big thank you to L& B Apiaries!

Could we solicit advice from other clubs that are doing (or have had) a loaner program? Knowing the advantages/pitfalls upfront may help steer the decision. I can help manage/maintain the extractor assuming it will fit in a medium SUV.

Re: Club Extractor

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 8:41 pm
by Jacobs
Maybe our officers/board members who are going to the NCSBA meeting later this week can ask around and see who has/had a loaner program and what their experiences have been.