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How often to refresh?

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 10:36 am
by DuaneB
I have a Swarm trap that has been up for a week now. I saw some activity a couple of days after I put it up. But after watching it for about 20 minutes, I noticed there were only about 12-15 bees flying around and in/out. Now there are 1 or 2 , if any. I think the old comb frame I put in it must of had some pollen in it and they were just robbing it. :(

My question is how often should I refresh the Lemon grass oil or Swarm commander in it?


Re: How often to refresh?

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 11:50 am
by Jacobs
My swarm lure hives are not special made set ups, but are old supers with landing boards, etc. I may put 1-2 drops of lemongrass oil on the landing boards every week to 10 days (or sooner if they get rained on). I may go with a quick spray of swarm commander on the landing board if I see significant interest by scout bees. If you have easy access to the inside of your lure/bait hives, I would think renewal every couple of weeks would be ok. More is not better--a drop or 2 of lemongrass oil or a light spray should give the lemon smell you want.

I am trying to be more careful about the old comb I put into swarm traps. I don't want pollen, honey or nectar in them. If interest picks up, I want to be reasonably sure it is scouting for a new home rather than coming for a free meal. I'm not sure if what you saw was scouts or foragers. If scouts, they could have found a location they liked better or the potential swarm hive may be holding off for warmer days. Other than Wally's swarm call during the last warm period, I haven't heard of any other swarms.

Re: How often to refresh?

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 12:42 pm
by Wally
I had another one reported to me on Thursday, the 14th.

Re: How often to refresh?

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 12:47 pm
by DuaneB
You seem to be 'Da Man'! Anxious to get my first one.