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Nectar/dried syrup on landing board?
Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 5:16 pm
by reedyfork
This is the second time in a couple weeks that I've noticed a puddle of nectar or syrup leaking out of one corner of the entrance and kind of pooling on my version of a landing board. It is clear and almost dried up. Other than maybe my Ziploc bag of sugar syrup leaking a little, any other thoughts on what might be causing this? I assume I should try and wash it off to not attract unwanted visitors?
Re: Nectar/dried syrup on landing board?
Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 5:57 pm
by Jacobs
I haven't used a ziploc bag feeder, but what you are describing sounds like a classic leaking feeder. You may want to do further internet research to see if others are having better success with a different method of putting holes in the bag. I also wonder if the sugar:water ratio makes a difference in how easily if flows--too thin = too easily flowing out if the holes? I always worried that using the ziploc would send a flow of sugar water into my hives.