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"Swarms" 4/1/20

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 6:07 pm
by Jacobs
Swarms_4120_IMG_0155.jpg (39.47 KiB) Viewed 7515 times
I got a call from a South Carolina Bee Supply Company offering me a free package of bees. They were mailing bees to a beekeeper in North Carolina but the package was damaged. The post office wanted a beekeeper to get the bees or they were going to have to kill them since bees were escaping and flying around the facility. The bulk mail center is about a mile and a half from my house, so I went to get them. It turned out to be 2 packages. I have installed them using the cool weather method of removing frames, shaking a few bees over the queen cage, and leaving the open package in the hive for bees to come out on their own. Tomorrow when it is warmer I will remove the cage and put the rest of the frames in. If these do well, they are Brown Summit bound.