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safely storing comb over the winter

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 6:06 am
by edfuselier
Last year I used paramoth to protect comb from my honey supers. I'm going to try something different this year since I'm leery of chemicals on the comb.

I have a small freezer but it is too small to hold all of the frames I need to store. I was thinking of freezing the comb in batches and then storing in sealed plastic bags - I believe Wally described a process like this... I think I recall him saying that he seals the comb in the bag before freezing, which makes me think that there might be details in the process that are important and I might be forgetting.

Another thought was to hang them in the open air under my screened porch after several days in the freezer.

If anyone has comments on these methods or alternatives, I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

Re: safely storing comb over the winter

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 5:35 pm
by Wally
I only bagged them first to prevent leakage. Either way would work if the wife didn't shoot you for honey drippings all over her freezer and floor.

Re: safely storing comb over the winter

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 11:46 am
by edfuselier
Oh - I didn't realize you were storing them wet. Bagging them up before certainly makes sense and minimizes a sticky mess - thanks for clearing that up :)