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First swarm catch 4/25/21

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 6:04 am
by reedyfork
After a couple of years of trying, I finally caught my first swarm here in Greensboro this past Sunday! I had a bait hive set up on my balcony with my other 3 hives. It was a double medium Nuc with 3 frames of old drawn comb. I saw really intense scouting activity on Friday, to the point I thought bees had already moved in... I was in the yard Sunday at 1:00 and heard the buzz of the swarm coming overhead. The whole family got to watch and witness it.

Amateur mistake #1: I had the three frames centered in the box. One was pretty beat up, so assumed they'd have plenty of work to do repairing that comb. WRONG. In less than 24 hrs, they had started building new comb attached to the lid in the empty space between the frames and the wall. Luckily no eggs in it yet, so I removed and slipped in 2 frames of foundation to fill the box.

Amateur question #1: I've heard of burning/scorching the inside of a swarm trap to mimic the cavity in a lightning-struck tree, but has anyone tried just rubbing the inside with coals from a fireplace to get the same general effect? Just a random thought...

Re: First swarm catch 4/25/21

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 6:55 am
by Linda
Awesome. My first year of bait trap. I only put one frame of drawn comb planned on quick drop on hive box, but I just used my last hive setup on a split, so if I caught a swarm now I would have to run to Beez Needz. I have been considering moving my bait box closer to my apiary . I think I've got it too secluded in the woods.

Re: First swarm catch 4/25/21

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:17 pm
by Wally
Bees will NEVER use frames when they have open space. Leave one frame out and they will always fill that space before using any frames.