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Swarm/Move In 4/29/21

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 5:19 pm
by Jacobs
I have 2 bait hives set up on my driveway pad. They have been scouted before, but no move ins. This morning, I put a drop of lemongrass oil on the landing board of each, and almost immediately, both were heavily scouted. I did not think anything would conclude with the wind like it was, but at around 3:00pm, the bees arrived. They look to have chosen the bait hive on the left (facing the front) and the queen appears to have chosen the right. After about 15-20 minutes the cluster and bees were in the bait hive to the right.
Swarm-4-29-21_E9DF905F-C9D1-4D3C-B0D8-4A6E616A3A3C.JPG (48.79 KiB) Viewed 7514 times
Bees are still going into and out of the hive on the left. I don't know if these are another set of scouts or just confused bees from today's arrival. Time may tell.

Re: Swarm/Move In 4/29/21

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 5:39 am
by Linda
Ha, so why am I using ladders and trees. How close to your backyard hives is this?

Re: Swarm/Move In 4/29/21

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 6:01 am
by Jacobs
These are about 10 feet from my hives. I still have one bait hive in a tree at the back of my next door neighbor's yard. I don't expect to catch my own swarms with these bait hives. These tend to be swarms that come in from other locations. My swarms go to tree branches, etc. to scout locations that are farther away. I have to catch them and bring them back.