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Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 12:13 pm
by Jacobs
Swarm_41622_IMG_0701.jpg (41.25 KiB) Viewed 50770 times
These bees came out of a nuc I over wintered. I saw swarm cells in the nuc on 4/11/22 and moved 1 super with capped queen cells onto another nuc set up then. I did not look for or purposely move the queen. Swarm Commander brought the swarm to the front of this bait hive and after about a half hour of messing with them, I was able to get an unmarked queen into a catcher clip and put her in the bait hive. The original queen was marked white. I'll be checking the super that I moved to see if she is in there, and if so, what happened to the capped queen cells.