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Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2023 7:35 pm
by Jacobs
I had one of my over wintered nucs attempt a swarm a couple of days ago. The queen did not go and the bees returned. I searched and did not find the queen at that time. I shuffled frames around and gave the bees more space. This may have been the reason for the delay in trying again. They came out today. I captured them and moved them to the Cooperative Extension. As I went to where they were clustering, I saw another small cluster of bees on my fig bushes. I got the unmarked queen in this one in a clip and put them in a nuc. If these do alright, I plan on using this hive as a "show hive" for presentations. If I get another decent swarm, I plan on using it to populate the other hive at the Cooperative Extension.