
Try posting here when needing or sharing information about the removal of honey bees from unwanted locations.

Moderators: Jacobs, Wally

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Guard bee
Posts: 1895
Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:36 pm
Location: Greensboro, NC


Post by Jacobs »

I got a call this afternoon about a swarm in a bush near the Coliseum. I estimate it to be about 5lbs. One 10 frame medium did not seem to be enough room, so I added a second. The property owner let me cut several branches of an old bush so that I could get my swarm bucket under the cluster. Once I gathered them, I belted the bucket into the passenger seat of my truck and brought them home. When I confirm brood, I will OAV the colony before there is any capped.
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