
Try posting here when needing or sharing information about the removal of honey bees from unwanted locations.

Moderators: Jacobs, Wally

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Guard bee
Posts: 1854
Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:36 pm
Location: Greensboro, NC


Post by Jacobs »

I got a call from High Point around 5:00pm about a swarm on the ground near High Point University. I gave the caller 3 names from the list and she called me back to let me know that no one answered. I gave her 3 more names and told her to call me if no one answered and I would try and collect it. She did call back. I got the roughly 2lb swarm to march into my hive last night and collected it this morning. One of the swarm list people did call back and said he would come if I was unable to. PLEASE answer your phone if you are on the swarm list--EVEN IF you cannot get the swarm.
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