Backstory, thriving hive that has been pretty calm so far. Added another deep about 3 weeks ago and they've filled it up already.
12 days ago they got their first formic pro treatment since we had a 3 day "cool" spell, similar to the past few days where they got treatment 2.
Serving the hive Sunday, they got massively aggressive on me. I see brood and larva, didn't tear it apart enough to see a queen because really i just wanted to dose and go. 3 days later, they are massively aggressive. Dealing with the chickens 30 feet away I get 10 bees swarming me, picking blackberries 20-50ft away I get swarmed again. Kids be in the back yard right now.
Thoughts? Next step opinions?
This is a new package from Beez Needz this year, both my hives last year swarmed and what was left didn't survive, so this is a new colony.
Aggressiveness After Formic Pro
Re: Aggressiveness After Formic Pro
Formic Pro can take out queens-especially older queens or queens that are weakened for some other reason. I would give them a few more days to settle in after completing the treatment and check for queen status. The Formic Pro label does instruct to check queen status, I think, 4 weeks after ending treatment. You may want to review the label to see if I have that right.
Also, if you are in the dearth at your location, bees can become more defensive when disturbed.
Also, if you are in the dearth at your location, bees can become more defensive when disturbed.