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Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:49 pm
by Wally
I caught another swarm today, along with finding that one of my winter deadouts is no longer dead. Some time in the last week a swarm has taken up residence and is working right along.

Two hives of free bees....I LIKE IT!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:42 am
by Wally's Angels
WOOO HOOO!! You get 'em Grandpa! Mabye we'll get lucky and catch one too .... Jared thinks he HAS to have bees now too :P

Congratulations on your new bees!!

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 7:12 pm
by the kid
Nice going Wally ... sounds like you have a cheering section,,,, sounds like there haveing a great time with there girls (BY the next post ) When the kids have somthing to keep there minds on like this ,,,Hopefully they will not have time to do the things they shoudnt ... KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK THE WORLD NEEDS MORE GOOD MENTERS
the kid

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 8:23 pm
by Wally
Kid, you would not believe these kids. They are 12 to 17 and you would think they have been around bees for 30 years. I think I get more enjoyment from our relationship than they do.
They're just great kids.

Cold Weather

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 4:13 pm
by Ron Young
Guess this cold has taken the swarms notion out of some bee for now. I Guess it will return when the temps go up.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 8:18 pm
by Kurt Bower
Well of all the weird days to get a swarm call. :shock:
Anyway I went over to some condo's in Greensboro and was able to get the easiest swarm I have ever retrieved. Yes they actually moved in yesterday and were still there today.
Poor things were all wet and in 3 different clusters on a branch of a small pin oak. Snip gos the branch and I laid them in a hive with 2 frames drawn comb and the rest foundation. If you did not know, swarms are excellent at drawing comb, so I will utilize them in this way.
Best guess is that there were around 10,000 bees or about 3 lbs. Not very big but hopefully they will be productive next year.
