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Splitting to ward off swarms

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:59 pm
by Wally
I checked one of my hives today, consisting of one deep and one medium. I found about a dozen queen cells. I got another medium super and another hive body, each with 10 frames and either drawn comb or foundation, plus to tops and two bottoms. I now have two hives with 5 frames of bees, brood, honey and pollen each with a queen cell, and 5 empty frames.
I also have the same in two mediums being used for hive bodies.
Hopefully, in 30 days I will have two deep and two medium nucs for sell, and enough eggs, bees and stores to retain the original hives.

Just thought you might be interested in a way to turn a swarm situation into more hives.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:35 pm
by ski
Wally that is cool.
Its like these bees are a jig saw puzzle and you keep putting it together different ways and it still comes out looking good.
I am not ready for any splitting but this sure is one to print and keep in the notebook.
