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FGMO & paper towels?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 3:33 pm
by Wally's Angels
I don't remember where I read it or I would put up a link. During a recent bout of insomnia (thus the not remembering where I saw it) I had read something that a guy wrote about using food grade mineral oil as a mite treatment but not in a fogger.

He said to soak paper towels with it and drape them over the frames. He says that as the bees clean up the mess you just made in their house with that it gets them thoroughly covered in the stuff and kills the mites/ causes the bees to thoroughly groom. I think it sounds simple enough to keep me or the kids from messing it up and very inexpensive. What do you all think?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 4:23 pm
by ski
Hey Angels are these the ones you read or was it some others.

FGMO ... ight=towel

Trachael and menthol ... ight=towel

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:11 pm
by Wally's Angels
Thanks for the reading Ski, but that wasn't what I had read. I think it's really interesting though and now my brain is really turning all of it around. It sure does seem like it would make controlling the mite population a lot easier for my young 'uns to handle.... and anything that doesn't require a chemical gets much quicker mom approval around here.