Not made like they used to be
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 4:33 pm
I have bee doing some splits and some re-queening. While the standard procedure is to let the bees eat through the candy and release the queens themselves, I prefer to do the release myself.
I recently had to go out of town and left the corks in the end of the queen cages. This way I could pull the cork after I got back and guarantee a minimal of three days in the cage.(sometimes the candy is soft or the weather causes the candy to be removed too quickly)
Anyway, the bees have eaten through the cork 3 times that I am aware of.
So apparently corks are not made like they used to be made.
I recently had to go out of town and left the corks in the end of the queen cages. This way I could pull the cork after I got back and guarantee a minimal of three days in the cage.(sometimes the candy is soft or the weather causes the candy to be removed too quickly)
Anyway, the bees have eaten through the cork 3 times that I am aware of.
So apparently corks are not made like they used to be made.