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Are all bees testy right now?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:05 am
by Ron Young
Are all bees testy right now?? Or is it just my bees?

I went in today for a look in both hives. The split that raised a queen this year, seems to be doing very well. The two outside frames in the top deep are full of honey and capped, with the remaining frames having honey on the sides and the top. I would guess that they have 25-35 lbs. of honey in the top deep. They started getting agitated before I could finish, and I did not go into the bottom deep.

The parent hive that I took the split from has two deeps and one medium super. The super is now showing cappings on all frames with about three fully capped, so I may get some more honey this year. I did not even attempt going into the deeps on this hive as they hit me three times just looking into the super. Both hives are very strong in population and look good, at least to me they look good, for a beginner not really 100% confident about what should be.

Great fun none the less, stings and all. I know that everyone that I have given honey too has really liked it and has bee very appreciative.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 1:29 pm
by John Sabat
I haven't noticed !!! Maybe it's because I go in with Kevlar, Chain Mail and 3 layers of long underware :?

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 8:49 am
by Kurt Bower
I do not spend any more time than I absolutely have to with the bees right now. Unless you are having problems or suspect something is wrong you probably should limit your time in the hive.
I would suggest waiting until September to do any serious manipulations.


Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:03 am
by Locust&Honey
I have been taking Kurts approach. Just standing beside the hive and watching what they are doing. Man are they bringing in pollen!!! If any of you have corn fields you should check out the way the bees go through that stuff. It is amazing. I tend to label my bees testy if they chase me through the yard while I mind my own business. My bees are not bothering anything right now. But then again I am not messing with their home in all the heat either.

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 5:49 pm
by Wally's Angels
Our bees have been very mellow lately.... a great relief after a couple of weeks of really irritated bees chasing me through the yard getting stuck in my hair! Maybe our bees are like the rest of our family and just very very abnormal :wink: