I went in to see how the hives were progressing and discovered something that I did not expect. The productive hive only has a small amount of stores in the top deep. The queen is still laying full frames of brood. The stores are very limited. There seems to be a bit more to one side of the box than the other. They still have a super on them that is 85% full and capped, so I am guessing any fall flow will have to be put into the second deep. I will be watching them to make sure that they have enough.
Hive two has about 4 frames of fully capped honey in the second deep. and the remaining 6 frames have a good rim of honey across the top and on each side. Again, I did not go into the bottom deep, but it appears that they have in the neighborhood of 40-45 Lbs of stores and the fall flow is yet to come.
All in all, I am going to consider this first year a big success. I looked at the brood real close, as well as the bees themselves, and did not see any sign of a heavy mite problem. They seem to be very clean, and they are strong in population.
Many thanks to Wally for all his help.
Winter preperation
What do we need to be looking for in our hives to know that they are prepared for winter?? I will admit that I had been caught up in looking for honey,honey,honey but have been reading that a strong hive needs about 4 frames of pollen to be ready for spring rearing. That seems like quite alot to me but that is why I am asking the question. And is there anything else we need to look for??